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Paper publication



(1)       Lin, Y.C., Doole, R., Liu, K.J., Liu, H.L., Huang, H. W., Huang, C.M. (2018). Cultural influences on neural processing of moral evaluation: A cross-cultural functional MRI study. Paper presented at the 11th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.

(2)       Hsu, P. S. Y., Tang, P. F., Wu, M. T., Chen, N. C., Chiu, M. J., Goh, J. O. S., Tseng, W. Y., Chang, Y. L., Lee, C. L. (2018). Brain activation characteristics during non-switch and switch tasks in subjective cognitive decline. [2196]. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Singapore.

(3)       Chou, C. Y., Goh, J. O. S. (2018). Minimal age differences in neural activity despite more pro-social decision behavior in older adults. [2195]. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Singapore.

(4)       Wu, M. T., Tang, P. F., Chen, N. C., Goh, J. O. S., Chou, T. L., Hsu, Y. C., Tseng, W. Y. (2018). Ability to modulate left frontal activation is associated with switch performance in the middle-aged. [1747]. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Singapore.

(5)       Tsai, J. L., Li, G. H., Lee, C. Y., Su, C. I. E., & Lin, T. H. (2018, Aug). Lexical access and integration in context: a fixation-related fMRI study of the word predictability and word frequency interaction during sentence comprehension. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL), Québec, Canada.

(6)       Chang, C. T., Li, P, Tsai, J. L., Lin, E. J., Chao, P. C., Chou, C. J., Lee, C. Y.* (2018, March). The neural substrates for predictive processes in sentence comprehension. Poster session presented at the Twenty-fifth Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Boston, USA.

(7)       Chikara, R. K., Ko, L.W. *, & Chang, E. C., (2018, January 20). Neural Mechanism of Reward and Punishment during Inhibitory Control with Simultaneous fMRI-EEG Study. Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience (TSCN), Taichung, Taiwan.

(8)       Chang, T. T., Lin, Y. Y, Yen, N. S. , Tan, D. , Chen, Y.C.(2018, Mar). Dissecting the neural correlates of ambidextrous decision making. Poster presented at the 25th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.

(9)       Yeh, Y. C.*, Hsu, W. C., Rega, E. (2018, March22-24). The dynamic connectivity of neural networks in value-based creativity. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, The Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan.

(10)   Chen, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., & Chan, Y. C. (2018, June). Neural Correlates of Humor Motivation: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Singapore, June 17-21, 2018.

(11)   Yu, W. R., Hsu, W. C., Lin, Y. C., & Chan, Y. C. (2018, June17-21). Neural bases of self and other representation: An fMRI investigation. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Singapore.





(1)       Bei, L. T., Cheng, L. K., Hsu, W. C., & Chen, Y. S. A. (2017, Oct). The Neuroscience Viewpoint on the Interaction Effect between Persuasive Arguments and Celebrity on Attitude Change. Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
Conference, San Diego, USA.

(2)       Chan S and Lin K. (2017, May26-28). The biological foundation of conceptual hierarchy. Abstract presented at the International Linguistic Association 62nd Annual Conference. Hong Kong.

(3)       Chan, Y. C. (2017, June25-29). Unraveling the mystery of humorlessness: The neural correlates of gelotophobics. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Vancouver, Canada.

(4)       Chang, T. T.* Lee, P. F. Metcalfe, A. W. S., (2017). Common and distinct neural circuits of cognitive control in children’s reading and srithmetic skills. The 23rd Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

(5)       Chang, T. T.* Lee, P. F. Metcalfe, A. W. S., (2017). Common and distinct neural circuits of cognitive control in children’s reading and srithmetic skills. The 23rd Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

(6)       Chang, T. T.* Lee, P. F. Metcalfe, A. W. S., (2017). Common and distinct neural circuits of cognitive control in children’s reading and srithmetic skills. The 23rd Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

(7)       Chao, P. C., Chen, W. F., & Lee C. Y. (2017). Neuronal correlates of orthographic consistency effects on Chinese spoken word recognition. Paper will present at the 23nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Vancouver, BA, Canada.

(8)       Chao, P. C., Chen, W. F., Tsai, J. L., & Lee C. Y. (2017). Orthographic influences on Chinese spoken language in the brain: task-dependent effects as revealed by event-related fMRI. Paper will present at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Baltimore, USA.

(9)       Chen, C. C., Goh, J. O. S. (2017). Neural correlates of age differences in contingent rule processing. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

(10)   Chen, I. F., & Chan, Y. C. (2017, June 25-29). The neural correlates of gender differences in aggressive jokes and nonaggressive jokes. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Vancouver, Canada.

(11)   Chen, M. S. Y., Wang, T. Y., Teresa Pegors, & Wu, D. H. (2017, January). Perception of beauty in calligraphic Chinese characters between Chinese and American readers. Poster presented in the 2017 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Chungli, Taiwan.

(12)   Chiu, S. C., Lin, T. M., Lin, J. M., Chung, H. W., Ko, C. W., Büchert M, Bock M (2017). Effects of RF pulse profile and within-slice phase dispersion on accuracy of MR fingerprinting with balanced SSFP readout, in International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 25th Annual Meeting, #80, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

(13)   Chuang, Y. S., Goh, J. O. S. (2017). Personal values modulate risk-taking behaviors: Hedonism as an accelerator and security as a brake. Joint Conference of National Taiwan University, Peking University, and Chinese University of Hong Kong Psychology Departments, Beijing, China.

(14)   Chuang, Y. S., Su, Y. S., Goh, J. O. S. (2017). Personal core values modulate risky choice evaluation and subsequent risk-taking behavior: An fMRI study [171.05 / TT32]. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.

(15)   Lai, C. H., Hsieh, S. K., Lee, C. L., Su, I. W., Liu, T. H., Lu, C. R., Tsai, I. N., & Chou, T. L. (2017). Lateralization differences on semantic processing between native speakers and proficient learners of Mandarin Chinese. Poster presented at the 9 th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Nov. 8- 10, Baltimore, USA.

(16)   Lee, P. H., Chang, T. T. (2017, Jan). Development of functional dissociation and neural stability of four basic arithmetic operations. The 4th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Chungli, Taiwan.

(17)   Lee, P. H., Chang, T. T. (2017, Jan). Development of functional dissociation and neural stability of four basic arithmetic operations. The 4th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Chungli, Taiwan.

(18)   Liao, L. Y., Chang, T. T.*, & Lu, Y. W., (2017, Jan). Development of intrinsic functional connectivity within human posterior parietal cortex. The 4th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Chungli, Taiwan.

(19)   Liao, L. Y., Chang, T. T.*, Lu, Y. W. (2017, Jan). Development of intrinsic functional connectivity within human posterior parietal cortex. The 4th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Chungli, Taiwan.

(20)   Lin W. T., Chen M. H. , Goh J. O. S., & Lee, C. L. (2017, Sep. 1-3). Linking white matter integrity to hemispheric processing of syntactic category information – an ERP and DTI study. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS), Taipei, Taiwan.

(21)   Lin, W. T., Weng, C. H., Chen, M. H., Hsu, Y. C., Tseng, W. Y., Goh, J. O. S., Lee, C. L. (2017). Linking white matter integrity to syntactic category processing – an ERP and DTI study. Presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore, USA.

(22)   Lin, W. T., Weng, C. H., Chen, M. H., Tseng, W. Y. I., Goh, J. O. S., & Lee, C. L. (2017, Nov.8-10). Linking white matter integrity to syntactic category processing - an ERP and DTI study. Poster presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore, USA.

(23)   Shih S. F., Chung H. W. (2017). A weighted least squares approach to reduce T1 estimation bias in DESPOT1, in European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Barcelona, Spain.

(24)   Tsao, F. M., Hsu, W. C., & Liu, H. M. (2017, November). The effect of cognitive flexibility on phonetic and emotional prosody perception in children with high functioning autism: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2017 American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, USA.

(25)   Tseng, D. J., Wu, C. W., Liu, M. C., Tzeng, O. J. L., Huang, H.W., Huang, C. M.*. (2017). Neural correlates of convergent and divergent creativity: An fMRI study. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Vienna, Austria.

(26)   Wu, D. H., Chen, M. S. Y., Teresa Pegors, Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2017, March). Neural correlates of aesthetic ratings of calligraphic characters and scenery photos in experts and novices of Chinese calligraphy. Poster presented in the 2017 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, USA.

(27)   Yeh, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., Rega, E. (2017, December 22). The dynamic connectivity of neural networks in value-based creativity. Paper will be presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, March 22 to March 24, 2018, The Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan.



(1)       Bulut, T., Chen, Y. W., & Wu, D. H. (2016, January). Neural Correlates of Syntactic Processing in Chinese: Evidence from fMRI. Poster presented in the 4th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

(2)       Chan, S. & P Chien. (2016, Aug). Language-specific categorization may influence how people perceive the world: an fMRI study on linguistic relativity. Poster presented at the 6th Brain and Mind Research in the Asia-Pacific (BMAP) Symposium. Auckland, New Zealand.

(3)       Chan, Y. C.*, Liao, Y. J., & Chen, H. C. (2016, 27 June-1 July ). Dysfunction of reward and motivation processing in gelotophobes: An fMRI study. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

(4)       Chang C. Y., Chen Y. H., & Yen, N. S. (2016, July). Training-induced neuroplasticity in baseball players with different skill levels. Research Center for Mind, Brain, and Learning/Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.

(5)       Chang, C. Y, Chen, Y. H., & Yen, N. S. * (2016, June). Training-induced neuroplasticity in baseball players with different skill levels. Poster presented at the 22 nd Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.

(6)       Chang, T. T., Lee, P. H., Metcalfe, A. W. M. (2016, Nov). Development of neural stability for four basic arithmetic operations. 2016 Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA.

(7)       Chang, T. T., Lee, P. H., Metcalfe, A. W. M. (2016, Nov). Development of neural stability for four basic arithmetic operations. 2016 Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA.

(8)       Chen, I. F., & Chan, Y. C. (2016, 26-30 June). Gender specific humor processing in different types of jokes. Poster presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland.

(9)       Chen, P.-H., Chen, M. H., Lu, C., Hsieh, S. K., Chou, T. L., Su, I. W.,& Lee, C. L. (2016, Apr). Hemispheric differences in processing syntactic category information in second language. Poster presented at the 23 rd Annual meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA.

(10)   Chen, Y. C., Her, O. S., Wu, D. H., Yen, N. S. (2016, June). The Neural Correlates of Mathematical Processing of Chinese Numeral Classifiers and Measure Words. Paper will be presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.

(11)   Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. Y., & Yen, N. S. (2016, Jan). Batting eye of elite batters & its underpinned neural mechanism: an fMRI study (The preliminary report). 2016 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

(12)   Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. Y., & Yen, N. S. (2016, July). Swing decisions between skilled and intermediate baseball batters: an fMRI study. Research Center for Mind, Brain, and Learning/Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.

(13)   Chen, Y. H., Chang, C. Y., & Yen, N. S. * (2016, June). Swing decisions between skilled and intermediate baseball batters: an fMRI study. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.

(14)   Dai, R. H., Chen, H. C. (2016, June). Gender/sex differences in the neural response to incongruity-resolution and nonsense verbal humor. Humor conference, Dublin, Ireland.

(15)   Hsieh, W. L., & Goh, J. O. S. (2016, Dec). Midbrain to cerebral dopaminergic and serotonergic white-matter fiber tracts identified on the NTU-DSI- 122 template. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, America.

(16)   Huang, C. M., Ho, P. S., Lee, Y. C., Liu, H. L., Doole, R., Wu, C. T., & Huang, H. W. (2016). Cultural influences on neural processing of contextual scenes. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), New York, USA.

(17)   Hung, S. H., Liao, M. C., Chien, C. P., Wu, W. C. & Chung, H. W. (2016). Liver IVIM MR imaging: improved reproducibility of pseudo-diffusion coefficient D* via proper signal modeling, in International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 24th Annual Meeting, #2947, Singapore.

(18)   Ko, L.W.*, Chikara, R. K., Shih, Y. C., & Chang, E.*, (2016, 31Oct.-2Nov). Neural oscillations in Temporoparietal lobes under Inhibitory Control in a Naturalistic situation. The 16th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), Taichung, Taiwan.

(19)   Ko, L.W.*, Shih, Y. C., Chikara, R. K., Lu, Y. C., Chuang, Y.T., & Chang, E.*, (2016, Jan23). EEG-fMRI Methods for the Study of Brain Modulation under response inhibition in the Battlefield Scenario, Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

(20)   Kuo, C. C. (2016, July). What the Brain Studies Tell Us? Neuropsychological Mechanism of Science Talented Learners. Keynote speech at the 14 th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Macau, China.

(21)   Lee, P. H., Li, P. H. S. Chang, T. T. (2016, Jan). Common neural representation between arithmetic operations with distinct quantities but similar problem solving strategies. The 3rd Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

(22)   Liang, T. P., Li, Y. W., Yen, N. S., Hsu, S. M. (2016, Aug). Escalation of Commitment in Software Projects: A Neural Science Perspective. The 22nd American Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA.

(23)   Lin, D. W., & Goh, J. O. S. (2016, June). Neural correlates of emotional feedback influences on valuative decisions in young and older adults.  22nd Annual Meeting of the  Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.

(24)   Liu, H. M., Tsai, M. H., Hsu, W. C., & Tsao, F. M. (2016, Apr). Brain activations of categorical tone perception: within-category and across-category variations. Paper presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, USA.

(25)   Tsao, F. M., Hsu, W. C., & Liu, H. M. (2016, April). Brain activations of lexical tone and emotional prosody perception in school-aged children with high-function autism. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2016 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.

(26)   Wu, M. C., Liao, Y. J., & Chan, Y. C. (2016, 26-30 June). Identifying the neural substrates of the aggression-humor interaction: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland.

(27)   Wu, Y. T, Chuang, B. Y., Peng, H. H., Chang, M. C, Wu, M.T. & Chung, H.W. (2016). Potential application of tissue phase mapping in early detection of heart function deficiency in Fabry disease with cardiac manifestation, in International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 24th Annual Meeting, #797, Singapore.

(28)   Yang, C. M., Hsiao, F. C., Tsai, P. J., Chen, L. C., Lee, W. K., Lu, L. H., Lane, T., Wu, C. W., & Lee, H. C. (2016, June). The Neurophysiological Basis Of Consciousness Transition During Sleep Onset Period: A fMRI Study. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Denver, Colorado, USA.

(29)   Yeh, Y. C.*, Hsu, W. C., Li, P. H., Lin, C. W., & Chan, Y. C. (2016 January 12 - 15). Examining the changes of underlying neural substrates of creative thinking through a time window. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

(30)   Yeh, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., Li, P. H., Lin, C. W., & Chan, Y. C. (2016, January). Examining the changes of underlying neural substrates of creative thinking through a time window. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, January 12 to 15, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

(31)   Yu, A. Y., Brice, H., Frost, R., & Wu, D. H. (2016, April). Sensitivity to regularity of combinatorial visual stimuli correlates with Chinese character recognition. Poster presented in the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA.

(32)陳以非、詹雨臻、陳學志(201610月)。Neural substrates of gender differences in hostile jokes。第55屆台灣心理學會年會,臺灣台南:國立成功大學。

(33)詹雨臻、吳玫萱、廖怡君、杜政昊、陳學志(201610月)。Neural correlates of hostile jokes in humor appreciation。第55屆台灣心理學會年會,臺灣台南:國立成功大學。





(1)       Bei, L. T., Cheng, L. K., Chen, Y. S. A., Yang, W. H, & Hsu, W. C. (2015, Nov). The Neuroscience Viewpoint on Comparing Elaboration Likelihood Model and Heuristic and Systematic Model. Symposium for Integrated Imaging of Body, Mind and Culture & 2015 Forum of MOST Research Projects on Brain Imaging for Mind Science, Taipei, Taiwan.

(2)       Chan, S. & Chien, P. (2015, Nov). Classifiers may affect how people perceive the world: An fMRI study on linguistic relativity. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.

(3)       Chan, Y. C. (2015, June). Identifying the neural substrates of the ambiguity-humor interaction: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 14-18, 2015.

(4)       Chan, Y. C., & Liao, Y. J. (2015, June). Gender differences in the neural correlates of verbal jokes: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 14-18, 2015.

(5)       Chang, T. T., Han, C C., Lee, P. H., Lin, C. Y., Metcalfe , A. & Yen, N. S.* (2015, June). Neural correlates of complex multiplication problem solving. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Hawaii, Honolulu, U.S.A.

(6)       Chen, H. C. (2015, August). Neuropsychological traits of student with and without Autistic syndrome on ToM and non-ToM humor. Paper presented at The 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences (IWALS-3), Tokyo, Japan.

(7)       Chen, Y. H., Chen, Y. C., Kuo, W. J., Kan, K., Yang, C. C., & Yen, N. S. (2015, Jan). Stakes do matter for the proposing behavior in Ultimatum Games: An fMRI study. 2015 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.

(8)        Fan, Y. T., Hsung, R. M., Liu, H. L., Du,Y. R., Yang, T. T., Chen, S. H., Yen, N. S., & Wu, C. T. (2015, Oct.). Political preferences modulate neural correlates of trusting decisions. Poster presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

(9)       H. F. Y, Changwei W. Wu, Yi-Ping Chao, Huimin Bhikshu (2015, Nov). Mapping the mindfulness brain of responding to emotional stimuli: from functional to structural brain images. Symposium for Integrated Imaging of Body, Mind and Culture & 2015 Forum of MOST Research Projects on Brain Imaging for Mind Science, 國立台灣大學.

(10)   Ho, P. S., Lee, Y. C., Liu, H. L., Tseng, D. J., Chang, Y. J., Doole, R., Wu, C. T., Huang, H. W., & Huang, C. M. (2015, Oct). Culture-related differences in the contextual processing of visual scene: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago, Illinois, USA.

(11)   Hsu, T.Y., Lin, S. H., & Yeh, Y. Y. (2015, Nov). Neural correlates of contextualized visual attention. Paper presented at Symposium for Integrated Imaging of Body, Mind and Culture & 2015 Forum of MOST Research Projects on Brain Imaging for Mind Science.

(12)   Kuo, C. C. (2015, August). Gifted brains: Studies of gender differences. Keynote speech at the 21 st World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, Odense, Denmark.

(13)   Leckey, M., Lee, C. L., & Federmeier, K. D. (2015, Oct). The role of familial sinistrality on hemispheric differences in syntactic processing across the lifespan. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Chicago, USA.

(14)   Lee, I. C. & Sun, Y. H. (2015, January). Neural imaging evidence for intergroup bias and ambivalence towards PRC Chinese among Taiwanese residents. Invited talk at the Research Center for Mind, Brain, & Learning, National Cheng-chi University at Taipei, Taiwan.

(15)   Lee, I. C. & Sun, Y. H. (2015, July). Neural imaging evidence for intergroup bias using indirect measures: Attitudes towards PRC Chinese among Taiwanese. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the International Society of Social Psychology, San Diego, United States.

(16)   Lee, I. C. & Sun, Y. H. (2015, March). Ambivalent versus uniform attitudes toward PRC Chinese: Neural imaging evidences induced by contextual cues. Poster presented at the 22 nd Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francesco, United States.

(17)   Lee, I. C. (2015, April). From social psychology to neuroscience: The investigation of intergroup relations. Invited talk at the Department of Psychology, Kaohsiung Medical University at Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

(18)   Lee, Y. C., Ho, P. S., Liu, H. L., Shih, P. C., Huang, H. W., Huang, C. M., & Wu, C. T. (2015, Oct). Culture traits affect our perceptual processing to social cues. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago, Illinois, USA.

(19)   Li, K. A., Zhou, J., Lee, C. L., Tien Y. H., & Yeh, S. L. (2015). Does temporal integration of semantic information occur under visual crowding? Poster to be presented at the 19th annual meeting of the ASSC (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness), July 7-10, Paris, France.

(20)   Li, Y. W., Liang, T. P., Yen, N. S.*, Hsu, S. M., & Tsai, W. T. (2015, Sep.). Neural correlates of the escalation of commitment: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Miami, FL, U.S.A.

(21)   Lin, S. S. H., Li, M. Y. C., Yu, A. Y., Hung, Y. H., Lin, E. Y. C. & Wu, D. H. (2015, November). A Fast fMRI Protocol to Identify Neural Networks Underlying Cognitive Functions. Poster presented in the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, USA.

(22)   Lin, T. M, Chiu, S. C., Cheng, C. C., Wu, W. C. & Chung, H. W. (2015). Quantitative evaluation of the effect of reduction of signal acquisition number in MR fingerprinting, in International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 23rd Annual Meeting, #3388, Toronto, Canada.

(23)   Tai, T. L., & Goh, J. O. S. (2015, June). Default-network functional connectivity within individuals changes across tasks, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, HI, America.

(24)   Wu, D. H., Hung, Y. H., & Lin, Y. C. (2015, March). Recognition and short-term memory of Chinese characters: Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence, Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

(25)   Yeh, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., Lin, C. W., Li, P. H. (2015, June). The influence of expertise on aesthetic emotion: A neuroaesthetic approach. Paper presented at the International Conference on Technology, Science, Social Sciences and Humanities-ICTeSSHI, June 5, New York City, New York, USA.

(26)   Yeh, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., Lin, C. W., Li, P. H. (2015, Oct). The neural substrates underlying the influences of life experience on aesthetic judgments. 發表於「第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會」之論文,1017-18日,台灣師範大學,台北。

(27)   Yeh, Y. C., Li, P. H., Lin, C. W., Hsu, W. C. (2015, Oct). A neuroaesthetic approach for exploring gender differences in aesthetic judgments. 發表於「第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際 研討會」之論文,1017-18日,台灣師範大學,台北。

(28)   Yeh, Y. C., Lin, C. W., Hsu, W. H., Kuo, W. J., & Chan, Y. C. (2015, May). The Neural Substrates of Aesthetic Judgment and Aesthetic Emotion during the Appreciation of Everyday Designed products. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

(29)   Zhigalov, A. Y., Suen, S., Lee, J. D., Chen, A. S. H., Cheng, P. E., & Liou, M. (2015, July). Intraclass Correlations for Assessing Reliability in Presence of Within- and Between-Subject Variability in FMRI BOLD Responses. Paper presented at the Invited Paper Session on Neurostatistics, 60th World Statistics Congress – ISI2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

(30)   詹雨臻20151月)。笑話中的歧義與好笑成分之交互作用的腦神經機制:以fMRI為工具。陳學志(主持人),大腦與語言。2015臺灣認知神經科學學會,臺灣台北:臺灣師範大學。

(31)   詹雨臻20155月)。笑話中歧義與推論歷程的認知與情感成分。陳學志(主持人),幽默在教育與工商業的應用。第一屆華人應用心理國際研討會,臺灣台北:輔仁大學。

(32)   詹雨臻、廖怡君、陳學志、杜政昊。(201510月)良善與惡意幽默動機之腦神經機制:fMRI研究。第54屆台灣心理學會年會,臺灣台北:臺灣師範大學。

(33)   劉惠美、蔡明憲、許維欽 (2015, 10): Brain activations of categorical perception of lexical tones in Mandarin-speaking adults。發表於第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學 習、教學、與評量國際研討會「專題研討:語言與大腦的神經機制」,台北:國立臺灣師範大學。

(34)   戴汝卉、陳學志、詹雨臻、卓淑玲、宋曜廷、張國恩。(20151)。冷笑話真的很冷嗎?以fMRI探討失諧解困笑話及部份解困之無厘頭笑話的腦神經機制差異。臺灣認知神經科學學會年會暨研討會,臺北,臺灣。

(35)   釋惠敏(2015, Nov). The impact of Mindfulness meditation on adult’s emotion regulation: A pilot exploration of fMRI study on physical and online MBBC course。科技部心智科學腦影像研究成果發表會, 臺灣大學「身體、心靈與文化整合影像研究中心」主辦,臺灣大學永齡生醫工程館。






(1)       Bulut, T., Hung, Y. H., & Wu, D. H. (2014, June). FMRI Investigation of Neural Correlates of Processing Sentences and Compound Words in Chinese, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping in Hamburg, Germany.

(2)       Chan, Y. C. (2014, July). The Interaction between Semantic Processing and Humor. Poster presented at the Cognitive Science Society, Quebec City, Canada, July 23-26.

(3)       Chan, Y. C., & Chen, H. C. (2014, September). Relationships among Laughter, Humor Styles, and Interpersonal Functioning. Poster presented at the 40th BERA Annual Conference, IOE, London, Sep. 23-25, 2014.

(4)       Chang, C. F., Lai, C., L., & Juan, C. H. (2014, June). Attentional Inhibition and Contingent Attentional Capture. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.

(5)       Chang, W. H., Yen, M. H., Chen, S. F., Lee, J. R., Kuo, C. C., & Tsai, C. W. (2014, Mar). Autistic Moral Judgment about Socio-Scientific Issues - An fMRI Study. International Symposium on Autism Spectrum Disorders Theme: School Intervention and Talent Development of Students with ASD, Taipei, Taiwan.

(6)       Chen, Y. H., Chen, Y. C., Kuo, W. J., Kan, K. H., Yang, C. C. & Yen, N. S. (2014, Sep). Do stake sizes matter in the Ultimatum Game? An fMRI study. Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Miami, FL, USA.

(7)       Chu, Y. H., Hsu, Y. C., Tsai, S. Y., & Lin, F. H. (2014, May). A Field Probe Transceiver System with Controllable RF Coupling and Decoupling, Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Milan, Italy.

(8)       H. F. Y, (2014, Apr). A comparative study of fMRI and self-report measurement of the effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). The Mindfulness and Neuroscience Conference, the Bangor University, UK.

(9)       Huang, C. H., Wang, W. C., Lin, Y. R., & Tsai, S. Y. (2014, May). The reproducibility of diffusion tensor imaging on brain connectivity measures between cortical regions using probabilistic tractography, Paper presented at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Milan, Italy.

(10)   Hung, Y. H., Wu, D. H., Lai, M., Tzeng, O. J. L., Daisy L. & Hung, D. L. Stanislas Dehaene, Christophe Pallier. (2014, April). Neural correlates of merging number words in Chinese and French speakers, Proceedings of the 21th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting in Boston, USA.

(11)   Kuo, C. C., Lee, J. R., Tsai, S. Y., & Hsieh, C. E. (2014, Sep). Differences in brain activity during the visuospatial working memory task: An fMRI study in mathematically and scientifically talented students with and without high IQ. Paper presented at 14th International ECHA Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

(12)   Kuo, C. C., Liang, K. C., Gau, S. S. F, & Soong, W. T. (2014, March). Neuropsychological mechanism, social adjustment, and talent development of ASD students. Paper presented at International Symposium on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Taipei, Taiwan.

(13)   Lai, J. C. W., Cheng, C.C. & Chung, H. W. (2014, May). Susceptibility-weighted imaging using unbalanced steady-state free precession gradient-echo imaging with multiple echoes, Paper presented at the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 22nd Annual Meeting, #1785, Milan, Italy.

(14)   Li, Y. W., Liang, T. P. , Yen, N. S., & Hsu, S. M. (2014, June). Neuro correlates of website closeness: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 4th Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

(15)   Liang, T.P., Li, Y.W., Yen, N. S., Hsu, S. M., Tsai, W.T. (2014, Dec). Neuro Correlates of the Escalation of Commitment: An fMRI Study. Workshop on Information and Neural Decision Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.

(16)   Lu M. S., Hsu, T. Y., Tseng, P., Lai, C. L, & Juan, C. H. (2014, June). The Pre-supplementary Motor Area and Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Response Inhibition. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.

(17)   Luo, R. S., Lee, C. Y., Hsu, K. Y., Hung, J., Liu, H. L., Tsai, C.G., Chiu, M. C., Chen, J. H., Yao, K. G., Chao, Y. P., & Yu. J. F. (2014, Oct.). The Correlations Between Chinese Personality Traits and Cortical Activation, Tainan, Taiwan.

(18)   Michelle Liou, Summit Shuen & Yi-Li Tseng (2014, 8-12 June). Surrogate data thresholding approaches in fMRI time series analysis. A poster presented at the OHBM meeting, Hamburg, Germany.

(19)   Su, Y. S., Tai, T. L., & Goh, J. O. S. (2014, Nov). Age-Related Striatal Dedifferentiation and Frontal Overactivation During Choice Value Processing, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., America.

(20)   Suen, S., Matsuo, K., Liou, M. (2014, Sept). Beyond Response Amplitude – Within- and Between-Subject Reliability in fMRI BOLD Responses. A paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Japan.

(21)   Summit Suen, Kayako Matsuo, Michelle Liou (2014, 10-14 Sept). Beyond Response AmplitudeWithin- and Between-Subject Reliability in fMRI BOLD Responses. A paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Japan. (劉長萱,計畫名稱:大腦中、英文詞彙及句法歧義的辨識及理解歷程: 功能性磁振造影及腦磁波研究,NSC 102-2410-H-001-044)

(22)   Talat Bulut, Yi-hui Hung, Wu, D. H. (2014, January). Sentence processing and compounding in Chinese: A naming experiment, Proceedings of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neurscience-2014 Annual Meeting in Zhongli, Taiwan.

(23)   Wu, T. Y., Fang, C. H., Lin, Y. R. & Tsai, S. Y. (2014, May). Investigating the reproducibility on the quantification of £^-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in visual cortex, Paper presented at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Milan, Italy.

(24)   Yang, S. Y., Liang, C. W., Huang, H. H., Tsai, S. Y., & Huang, T. Y. (2014, May). Noncontact physiological measurements using video recording inside an MRI scanner, Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Milan, Italy.

(25)   Yu, J. X., Tseng, P., Wu, S. W., and Juan, C. H. (2014, June). Cognitive Control: tDCS Induced Enhancements and It Neural Correlates. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.

(26)   Yuan, S. Y., Tu, Y. Z., Wang, P. Y., & Goh, J. O. S. (2014, Nov). Dietary macronutrient composition is differentially associated with gray matter volumes of cortical and limbic regions in young and older adults, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., America.

(27)   陳學志、吳清麟、詹雨臻、卓淑玲、施貞伊。(201411)。亞斯伯格症者閱讀心智理論與非心智理論笑話之腦神經機制。臺灣心理學會第五十三屆年會,臺北,臺灣。(陳學志,計畫名稱:亞斯伯格數理資優在幽默認知歷程與情意特質之神經機制及幽默訓練效果之研究,NSC 100-2511-S-003-059-MY3)

(28)   詹雨臻、廖怡君、陳學志。(201411月)。性別差異在不同笑話類型的腦神經機制:fMRI研究。詹雨臻(主持人),幽默的腦神經機制專題座談。第53屆台灣心理學會年會,台灣台北:臺灣大學。

(29)   詹雨臻201411月)。不同邏輯機制的幽默技巧之腦神經機制:fMRI研究。詹雨臻(主持人),幽默的腦神經機制專題座談。第53屆台灣心理學會年會,台灣台北:臺灣大學。




(1)       Chang, Y. T., Yu, J., Tseng, P., Tzeng, O. J., Hung, D. L, Muggleton, N. G. & Juan, C. H. (2013 Nov). Male finger ratio reveals susceptibility to impulsivity modulation by erotic images. Society for Neuroscience 2013 Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA.

(2)       Chu, Y. H, Tsai, S. Y., Hsu, Y. C., Kuo, W. J., & Lin, F. H. (2013, Apr). Suppressing mulit-channel diffusion tensor imaging noise using the data consistency constraint, Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA.

(3)       Liang, T. P., Li, Y. W., Kang, T. C., Yen, N. S., & Hsu, S. M. (2013, Sep). Effects of avatar and personalization on perceived website closeness and purchase intention: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2013 Consumer Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(4)       Lin, C. Y., Northoff, G., Lane, T. & Yen, N. S. (2013, Sep). The neural correlates of hindsight bias in political election and general knowledge events. Poster presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(5)       Lin, W. H. & Wu, S. W. (2013, Nov). Absolute or relative? Neural coding of reward probability in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Society for Neuroscience 43rd Annual Meeting.

(6)       方俊皓、林益如、蔡尚岳。(201311月)。探討磁共振頻譜之頻率位移在對 γ-氨基丁酸量化的影響Investigating the influence of frequency shift on the quantification of GABA signal using mega press magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 醫學工程年會暨研討會 (Annual Symposium of Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan),新竹,臺灣。

(7)       吳再猷、林益如、蔡尚岳。(201311月)。探討利用 LCModel 量化大腦視覺區γ-氨基丁酸濃度的可行性 Investigating the feasibility on the quantification of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in visual cortex using LCModel, 醫學工程年會暨研討會 (Annual Symposium of Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan),新竹,臺灣。






(1)       Liang, T. P., Yen, N. S., Hsieh, R. H., Li, Y. W., & Kang, T. C. (2012, Sep). Effects of color and avatar on perceived webpage closeness: An exploratory fMRI study. Poster presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Miami, FL, U.S.A.

(2)       張卿卿(2012, 12)從認知神經科學看廣告的評價制約效果Evaluative Conditioning of Advertising: Evidence from neuroscience。創新研究國際學術研討會口頭發表。國立政治大學,台北。

(3)       郭文瑞、張卿卿(2012, 12) 從倉頡到達文西─文字、美感與心腦。創新研究國際學術研討會口頭發表。國立政治大學,台北。