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Annual event

★Annual event

To promote cross-disciplinary cooperation and encourage domestic humanities and social sciences researchers to conduct neuroscience research, the TMBIC has organized various educational and training activities continuously. The following table lists the events that we have offered with the lecture notes that the speaker agrees to release. Students who are interested in the course can download the lecture notes themselves. Those who want to watch the video files of the course can also go to the Multimedia Centerto schedule an appointment.
ø The upcoming events will be listed in News, and those who want to know or participate in our recent events can follow.

Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
2018.12.26 Workshop of fMRI data analysis  課程安排與實例講解 郭文瑞
影像前處理 郭文瑞
個人及群組資料分析 郭文瑞
問題與討論 郭文瑞


Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
2017.11.20 Workshop of fMRI data analysis MRI使用安全簡介 蔡尚岳 N/A
影像前處理講解與實作 郭文瑞
1st level model specification
2nd level group analysis
綜合討論 郭文瑞 N/A
2018.04.21 1Speech on health-related neuroscience 競技、運動、健身與認知神經科學 洪聰敏 N/A
精神疾病的大腦功能連結異常 杜培基 N/A
人腦,可教化乎? - 從牙痛與吃飯這兩件小事談腦可塑性 林嘉澍 N/A
以功能性磁振造影細說頸動脈血管狹窄與中風復健 吳昌衛 N/A
2018.06.26 Seminar on educational neuroscience: The learning brain 腦內乾坤:大腦的語言密碼 李佳穎 N/A
得「手」應「心」,從手語看大腦 邱倚璿 N/A
腦科學研究,讓溝通有愛無礙 陳昱君 N/A
埋藏在大腦中的計算機 張葶葶 N/A
2018.07.5 Seminar on decision neuroscience 探討選擇與神經訊息的關聯性 :以小額貸款和群眾募資為例 Dr. Brian Knutson N/A
文化差異對社會判斷的影響:理想情感的角色 Dr. Jeanne L. Tsai N/A
Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
2017.1.17 Workshop of fMRI data analysis Experimental Design & Image Preprocessing 張智宏 V
示範與實作 蔡文凱 V
fMRI analysis : Individual & group level analysis 張葶葶 V
示範與實作 蔡文凱 V
2017.03.05 Workshop on fMRI in humanities and social neuroscience 人腦 fMRI 的經驗分享 鐘孝文 V
Beyond BOLD Response Amplitude 劉長萱 V
Seeing is believing? 從神經訊號到腦造影淺談 fMRI與心智科學 賴文崧 N/A
綜合討論 郭文瑞 N/A
2017.07.10 Tour workshop on cognitive neuroscience (Kaohsiung) 心腦同源:認知神經科學縱橫談 張智宏 V
安全第一:磁振造影安全大小事 莊子肇 V
不只這樣:連神經走向也看出 周銘鐘 V
見微知著:數學居然算得出大腦 張葶葶 V
臨床應用:科學化與醫療的舞曲 陳君明 V
最終賽局:讓決策思考變得科學 陳尹華 V
2017.7.27 Workshop on advanced fMRI data analysis PPI之理論基礎 吳仕煒 V
PPI之應用實例 吳仕煒 V
PPISPM之實作 陳尹華 N/A
綜合座談 吳仕煒 N/A

Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
Workshop of fMRI data analysis Image Preprocessing 蔡尚岳 N/A
Experimental Design 張智宏 N/A
fMRI analysis I:GLM and 1st level analysis 吳仕煒 N/A
fMRI analysis II:Group level analysis 張葶葶 V
示範與實作 I:Preprocessing &1st level analysis 陳尹華 V
示範與實作 II:1st level (cont.) &2nd level analysis 郭文瑞 N/A
2015.12.20 Tour workshop on cognitive neuroscience
fMRI實驗的概念與應用 段正仁 N/A
fMRI實驗的實驗設計 張智宏 V
fMRI實驗的硬體與原理 蔡尚岳 N/A
fMRI實驗的影像處理 張葶葶 N/A
fMRI實驗的統計分析 吳仕煒 N/A
綜合座談與討論 郭文瑞 N/A
2016.06.04 Workshop on fMRI in humanities and social neuroscience Exploration of the Neural Basis of Language and Gesture
徐嘉慧 V
Us versus them: An Exploration of fMRI Evidence
李怡青 N/A
Natural Reading and the Brain: The Future of Fixation-related fMRI
蔡介立 N/A
綜合討論 郭文瑞 V
Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
Tour workshop on cognitive neuroscience
Functional MRI介紹 蔡尚岳 V
fMRI在運動研究的應用 張智宏 V
fMRI在數學研究的應用 張葶葶 V
fMRI在閱讀研究的應用 郭文瑞 V
淺談fMRI在英文基礎識讀教學的應用 鄭育霖 V
fMRITMS的整合與應用 周育如 N/A
fMRI在決策研究的應用 吳仕煒 V
電刺激與針灸對視覺注意力的影響 劉効樺 N/A
綜合座談與討論 all N/A
Workshop of fMRI data analysis Image Processing 蔡尚岳 V
Experimental Design 張智宏 V
fMRI analysis I: GLM and 1stlevel analysis 吳仕煒 V
fMRI analysis II: Group level analysis 張葶葶 N/A
示範與實作 I 郭文瑞 N/A
示範與實作 II 郭文瑞 N/A
示範與實作 II: 1st level analysis 郭文瑞 N/A
contrast specification 郭文瑞 N/A
示範與實作 III: 1st level analysis 郭文瑞 N/A
Workshop on fMRI in humanities and social neuroscience 音樂與fMRI 蔡振家 N/A
幽默與fMRI 詹雨臻 N/A
閱讀與fMRI 李佳穎 N/A
語言與fMRI 楊梵孛 N/A
睡眠與fMRI 吳昌衛 N/A
老化與fMRI 吳恩賜 N/A
注意力與fMRI 吳建德 N/A
運動與fMRI 張育愷 N/A
Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
Workshop of fMRI data analysis fMRI data & image processing 張智宏 N/A
示範與實作 I: image preprocessing 郭文瑞 N/A
fMRI data analysis & GLM 吳仕煒 N/A
示範與實作 II: 1st level analysis 郭文瑞 N/A
contrast specification 郭文瑞 N/A
示範與實作 III: 1st level analysis 郭文瑞 N/A
Workshop on fMRI BOLD原理 葉子成 V
fMRI實驗設計概念 張智宏 V
fMRI資料分析與統計模型 吳仕煒 V
fMRI研究倫理 陳奎柏 N/A
fMRI影像處理 郭文瑞 V
fMRI資料之功能呈現示範 郭文瑞 V
2014.04.12 Workshop on ageing neuroscience The Cellular Mechanisms of Age-associated Motor Activity Decline in C. Elegans. 許翱麟 N/A
Spatiotemporal Brain Imaging using MRI and Magnetoencephalography(MEG) 林發暄 N/A
(Neuro)Technology and Aging Understanding the Effects of Age on Human Cognitive Brain Function. 段正仁 N/A
Understanding the Effects of Age on Human Cognitive Brain Function. 吳恩賜 N/A
Insights into the Aging Mind: A View from Neuroimaging of the Aging Brain. 黃植懋
Date Event name Course title Speaker Lecture notes
2012.11.25 Workshop of fMRI data analysis Contrasts and inference 郭柏呈 N/A
Contrasts and inference (實作) 郭文瑞 N/A
1st & 2nd level analysis 郭文瑞 N/A
Workshop on basic & advanced fMRI MRI原理與EPI特性 鍾孝文 V
BOLD原理與fMRI實驗參數 黃騰毅 N/A
MRI Safety and TMBIC申請 蔡尚岳 V
研究倫理與REC申請 陳奎柏 V
GLM與實驗設計 吳仕煒 V
Preprocessing, contrast, and interpretation 郭文瑞 V
fMRI經驗分享 蔡振家 V
fMRI經驗分享 陳學志 V
Basic courses for cognitive neuroscience Introduction to cognitive neuroscience 郭文瑞 V
From behavior to cognitive neuroscience 李俊仁 V
Experimental design in general 吳仕煒 V
MRI basics 蔡尚岳 V
fMRI application in cognitive neuroscience 張智宏 V
ERP basics 鄭仕坤 V
ERP design & application 李佳穎 V
Eye-tracking basics & application 蔡介立 V
TMS basics & application 徐慈妤 V
Cognitive neuroscience of aging 黃植懋 V
Workshop on decision neuroscience Neural Processes Linking Social Emotions to Decisions Hackjin
An fMRI experiment on the decoy effect 黃貞穎 N/A
Principal neural mechanisms underlying decision making and attention Alireza Soltani N/A
Cortical mechanisms in humans which improve perception with prior information Justin Gardner N/A
Understanding neural mechanisms for updating computations in the framework of Bayesian decision theory 吳仕煒 N/A
Model-based fMRI and its Application to Social Neuroscience Hackjin
Population receptive field analysis for fMRI Justin Gardner N/A
Attractor network models of decision making Alireza Soltani N/A
Decoding analysis for fMRI Justin Gardner N/A